Primary School Off-Campus Learning

Covid-19 has changed the way we will work for a while.

Off-campus learning is new for all of us. Allowing yourselves a period of adjustment is important. However much we have prepared, we are starting on an new and unknown journey. It will take time for us all to find routines that work for us and most importantly, allow us to stay connected and support the wellbeing of ourselves and our learners.

This is the main Primary School Off-Campus Learning Zone where our virtual community will live and learn over the next few weeks.

These are the guidelines to support us to find a balance during these challenging times. We will continue to talk and this guidance will develop and evolve as new ways of working emerge.

However, please follow these guidelines for now, being punctual to each Google Meet on your calendar and making those crucial connections with all your learners.

In the Shared Drive - Primary School - Admin - Nexus Planning & Resources there is new folder for Off-Campus Learning. Paul Rimmer will share any resources and guidance that comes from the IB.

Thank you so much for the huge amount of preparation you have put into Off Campus learning, and thank you in advance for your energy and enthusiasm in making this a very special, supportive and worthwhile experience for our learners.